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Change existing email addresses in OUTLOOK


  1. Click the Tools menu and select E-mail Accounts to begin the configuration process. 

    Outlook tools menu 
  2. Select> View or change existing e-mail accounts> then NEXT

  3. Select > The account name you want to change > then clickCHANGE

  4. On the E-mail Setting screen enter the account name and email address, i.e. (not case sensitive)

    Outlook POP3 email setting - from SiteDesignNOW web design Brisbane 

    Enter Incoming and Outgoing mail server (POP3) and (SMTP) as:mail.your domain name. For example for “” you would enter:

    Enter the full email address as the User Name and enter yourPassword as advised by our email.

    >Tick "Remember password box"

  5. Click the More Settings button in order to bring up a new window and then click Outgoing Server tab.

    Make sure that "My Outgoing Server (SMTP) requires authentication” is checked

    Select "Use the same settings as the incoming mail server" radio button

  6. Click OK to finish.